
Individual Class #

File position: /EMOC/src/core/individual.h and /EMOC/src/core/individual.cpp

class Individual(int dec_num, int obj_num)

The class for each individual in the population.

dec_num: int, default=None
    The number of decision variables.

obj_num: int, default=None
    The number of objectives.
Member variables:
(public) dec_: std::vector<double>
    Decision variables of this individual. The size of this std::vector is dec_num.

(public) obj_: std::vector<double>
    Objectives of this individual. The size of this std::vector is obj_num.

(public) con_: std::vector<double>
    Constraints of this individual. The size of this std::vector is obj_num.

(public) fitness_: double
    The fitness of this individual.

(public) rank_: int
    The rank index of this individual in the non-dominated sort (NDS) results of current population. Rank 0 represents the first front in NDS.