
Problem Class #

File position: /EMOC/src/problem/problem.h and /EMOC/src/problem/problem.cpp

class Problem(int dec_num, int obj_num)

The parent class of all test problems in EMOC.

dec_num: int, default=None
    The number of decision variables setting for the problem.

obj_num: int, default=None
    The number of objective functions setting for the problem.
Member variables:
(public) dec_num_: int
    The number of decision variables set by users. It is equal to the given dec_num.

(public) obj_num_: int
    The number of objective functions set by users. It is equal to the given obj_num.

(public) lower_bound_: std::vector<double>
    The lower bound of each decision variable. The size of this std::vector is dec_num.

(public) upper_bound_: std::vector<double>
    The upper bound of each decision variable. The size of this std::vector is dec_num.

(public) encoding_: enum of EncodingType
    Encoding type of solutions in this problem. There are three different types: REAL, BINARY and PERMUTATION which corresponds to real encoding, binary encoding, permutation encoding respectively.

Public Member Functions:

void CalObj(Individual* ind)

Calculate the objective function values.

This function is a pure virtual function which must be implemented in subclass.

ind: Individual*, default=None
    Pointer to the individual which need to calculate the objectives.
void CalCon(Individual* ind)

Calculate the constraint function values.

This function is a virtual function which can be implemented in subclass. It has an empty implementation by default. So users can leave it alone when implementing test problems without constraints.

ind: Individual*, default=None
    Pointer to the individual which need to calculate the constraints.