Python Dynamic Link Library
In Quick Start section, we give a brief introduction on how to use EMOC in python language. Basically speaking, several fundamental classes are exported into python. So the users can utilize these classes to define their own problem and solve it with available algorithms in EMOC.
In this section, we will give the detailed definition of these exported classes to help users understand the python dynamic link library of EMOC.
Exported Classes
This class is basically the same as original class in C++ except some member variable names.
class Problem(int dec_num, int obj_num)
The parent class of all test problems in EMOC. The custom problem in python need to inherit form this class.
Parameter: |
dec_num: int, default=None     The number of decision variables setting for the problem.
obj_num: int, default=None     The number of objective functions setting for the problem.
Member variables: |
(public) dec_num: int     The number of decision variables set by users. It is equal to the given dec_num.
(public) obj_num: int     The number of objective functions set by users. It is equal to the given obj_num.
(public) lower_bound: std::vector<double>     The lower bound of each decision variable. The size of this std::vector is dec_num.
(public) upper_bound: std::vector<double>     The upper bound of each decision variable. The size of this std::vector is dec_num. |
Public Member Functions:
void CalObj(Individual* ind)
Calculate the objective function values.
This function is a pure virtual function which must be implemented in custom problem in python.
Parameter: |
ind: Individual*, default=None     Pointer to the individual which need to calculate the objectives. |
Returns: |
void |
This class is basically the same as original class in C++ except some member variable names.
class Individual(int dec_num, int obj_num)
The class for each individual in the population.
Parameter: |
dec_num: int, default=None     The number of decision variables.
obj_num: int, default=None     The number of objectives.
Member variables: |
(public) dec: std::vector<double>     Decision variables of this individual. The size of this std::vector is dec_num.
(public) obj: std::vector<double>     Objectives of this individual. The size of this std::vector is obj_num. |
class EMOCManager()
is the manager class of EMOC which controls the execution of EMOC. Most original member variables in C++ definition are omitted. Because they are not needed in python.
Parameter: |
void |
Member variables: |
void |
Public Methods:
Start this optimization with current parameters.
Parameter: |
void |
Returns: |
void |
void SetTaskParameters(const EMOCParameters& para)
Set the parameters of this execution
Parameter: |
para: const EMOCParameters&, default=None     Parameters of this run. |
Returns: |
void |
EMOCGeneralResult GetPythonResult()
Get the optimization results of this run.
Parameter: |
void |
Returns: |
result: EMOCGeneralResult     Optimization results of this run. |
class EMOCParameters()
is a simple structure consists of basic parameter settings variables and two public interface for configuring custom problem and initial population
Parameter: |
void |
Member variables: |
(public) algorithm_name: string     Algorithm name.
(public) problem_name: string     Problem name.
(public) population_num: int     The size of population.
(public) decision_num: int     The number of decision variables.
(public) objective_num: int     The number of objectives.
(public) max_evaluation: int     The max evaluation times of this optimization.
(public) output_interval: int     Save interval in generation. |
Public Methods:
void SetProblem(Problem* problem)
Set the custom problem.
Parameter: |
problem: Problem*, default=None     Pointer to the custom problem. This can be an problem object in python. |
Returns: |
void |
void SetInitialPop(std::vector<std::vector<double>> initial_pop)
Set the custom initial population.
Parameter: |
initial_pop: std::vector<std::vector<double>>, default=None     The custom initial population. It's basically a 2D array of double. Each row is the decision variables of an individual. |
Returns: |
void |
class EMOCGeneralResult()
The class for the optimization results which can get by EMOCManager::GetResult()
Parameter: |
void |
Member variables: |
(public) igd: double     IGD value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) gd: double     GD value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) hv: double     HV value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) spacing: double     Spacing value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) igdplus: double     IGD Plus value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) gdplus: double     GD Plus value of this optimization. This is only valid in multi-objective optimization problem.
(public) best_value: double     Best found value. This is only valid in single-objective optimization problem.
(public) runtime: double     The run time of this run.
(public) pop_num: int     The size of the final population.
(public) pop_decs: 2D list     Decision variables of final population.
(public) pop_objs: 2D list     Objectives of final population. |