
Members #

Faculty #

Dr Ke Li
UKRI FLF | Turing Fellow
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of Exeter

Research Staff(s) #

Dr Fan Li
Research Fellow
04/2021 – present
Interests: MFO, TL, MTL, EMO

PhD Student(s) #

Hong Sun
PhD Student
2024 - present
Interests: EMO, preference learning
Jack Cole
PhD Student
2024 - present
Interests: AI4Science
Shasha Zhou
PhD Student
2023 - present
Interests: XAI, ML, EMO
Xiaotian Zou
PhD Student
2023 – present
Interests: EMO, Fairness
Heng Yang
PhD Student
2021 – present
Interests: NLP, SE, Code naturalness
Jiancheng Qian
PhD Student
2020 – present
Interests: NLP, SE, Code naturalness
Peili Mao
PhD Student
2021 – present
Interests: SE, BO, MCM, LA
Shengbo Wang
PhD Student
2021 – present
Interests: BO, SO
Savas Yuec
PhD Student
2018 - present
Interests: EMO, BO, reliability
Dongya Wang
PhD Student
2018 - present
Interests: EMO, CO

Visitor(s) #

Alumni #

  • Dr Phoenix Williams

    • 01/09/2020 – 01/07/2024, University of Exeter
    • PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Geyong Min
    • Job: -> GSK
    • Outputs: 1 IEEE Trans, CVPR, NeurIPS, EMO, SMC, GECCO, and CEC papers
  • Dr Joseph Billingsly

    • 01/09/2017 – 01/05/2022, University of Exeter
    • PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Geyong Min
    • Job: -> G-Research London
    • Outputs: 2 EMO papers, 1 GLOBECOM paper, 1 WCCI paper
  • Dr Mengyuan Wu

    • 01/09/2014 – 01/07/2018, City University of Hong Kong
    • PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Sam Kwong
    • Job: -> Huawei Noah’s Ark Laboratory
    • Outputs: 3 IEEE Trans papers, 1 GECCO paper, 1 SMC paper
  • Dr Renzhi Chen

    • 01/09/2013 – 01/06/2018, University of Birmingham
    • PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Xin Yao
    • Job: -> National Defense University of Technology -> PLA Academy of Military Science
    • Outputs: 4 IEEE Trans papers
  • Dr Jiangjiao Xu

    • 01/07/2020 - 01/11/2022, University of Exeter
    • Job: Zhongneng Integrated Smart Energy Technology Co. Ltd. Beijing, China -> Shanghai Electric University
  • Dr Xinqi Li

    • 01/11/2021 – 01/08/2022, University of Exeter
    • Job: -> GLAMOROUS.AI
  • Miss Kailai Gao
    • 01/2023 – 05/2024, Northeastern University
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Mr Shuang Li
    • 07/2022 – 07/2023, Harbin Institute of Technology
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Miss Jiaxin Chen
    • 06/2021 – 05/2023, Northeastern University
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Miss Huan Zhang
    • 06/2021 – 01/12/2022, Northeastern University
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Mr Jiadi Liu
    • 01/11/2019 – 05/11/2020, Southwest University
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Mr Ruxin Zhao
    • 01/11/2019 – 05/11/2020, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Miss Yingying Guan
    • 01/11/2019 – 05/11/2020, Northeastern University
    • Visiting PhD student
  • Mr Lingjie Li
    • 01/09/2019 – 01/12/2019, Shenzhen University
    • Visiting student
  • Dr Nan Mu
    • 01/06/2018 – 31/12/2018, Wuhan University of Technology
    • Visiting PhD student
    • Job: -> Sichuan Normal University
  • Dr Lei Yang
    • 01/12/2017 – 01/12/2018, South China Agricultural University
    • Visiting scholar
    • Job: -> South China Agricultural University
  • Dr Geng Lin
    • 01/07/2018 – 01/08/2018, Minjiang University
    • Visiting scholar
    • Job: -> Minjiang University