
Publications #

  • The copyrights of published papers are transferred to publishers. Misuse of any material posted here may result in plagiarism.
  • + means my current/previous student or visitor.
  • * means equal contribution

To appear #

Technical Report #

  • A Survey of Decomposition-Based Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: Part II-A Data Science Perspective
    Mingyu Huang+, Ke Li
    CoRR abs/2404.14228 | April 2024
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Multi-Fidelity Methods for Optimization: A Survey
    Ke Li, Fan Li+
    CoRR abs/2402.09638 | February 2024
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Software Configuration Landscapes-Ruggedness, Accessibility, Escapability, and Transferability
    Mingyu Huang+, Peili Mao+, Ke Li
    CoRR abs/2201.01429 | February 2024
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Human-in-the-Loop Policy Optimization for Preference-Based Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
    Ke Li, Han Guo+
    CoRR abs/2401.02160 | January 2024
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Model-Assisted Probabilistic Safe Adaptive Control With Meta-Bayesian Learning
    Shengbo Wang+, Ke Li, Yin Yang, Yuting Cao, Tingwen Huang, Shiping Wen
    CoRR abs/2307.00828 | July 2023
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for Virtual Network Function Placement
    Joseph Billingsley+, Ke Li, Geyong Min, Nektarios Georgalas
    CoRR abs/2106.14727 | March 2023
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • LONViZ: Unboxing the Black-Box of Configurable Software Systems from a Complex Networks Perspective
    Ke Li, Peili Mao+, Tao Chen
    CoRR abs/2201.01429 | January 2022
    PDF | BiB

  • Decomposition Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization: From State-of-the-Art to Future Opportunities
    Ke Li
    CoRR abs/2108.09588 | August 2021
    PDF | BiB

In press #

  • A Survey of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition: Past and Future
    Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • An Interpretable RNA Foundation Model for Exploration Functional RNA Motifs in Plants
    Haopeng Yu, Heng Yang+, Wenqing Sun, Zongyun Yan, Xiaofei Yang, Huakun Zhang, Yiliang Ding, Ke Li
    biArXiv 2024.06.24.600509
    Nature Machine Intelligence
    PDF | Project | Code | Supp | BiB

  • Direct Preference-Based Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization with Dueling Bandits
    Tian Huang+, Shengbo Wang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB | ≈ 25.8%

  • MP-RNA: Unleashing Multi-species RNA Foundation Model via Calibrated Secondary Structure Prediction
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Findings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2024)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • The Best Defense is Attack: Repairing Semantics in Textual Adversarial Examples
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2024)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Solving Expensive Optimization Problems in Dynamic Environments with Meta-Learning
    Huan Zhang+, Jinliang Ding, Liang Feng, Kay Chen Tan, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • TransOPT: Transfer Optimization System for Black-box Optimization
    Peili Mao+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024) Demo Paper track
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Evolutionary Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization with Unknown Constraints
    Shuang Li+, Ke Li, Wei Li, Ming Yang
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Mutual Knowledge Distillation based Personalized Federated Learning for Smart Edge Computing
    Siwei Zheng, Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics (TCE)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Evolutionary Art Attack For Black-Box Adversarial Example Generation
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li, G. Min
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • DaNuoYi: Evolutionary Multi-Task Injection Testing on Web Application Firewalls
    Ke Li, Heng Yang+, Willem Visser
    IEEE Trans. Software Engineering (TSE)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Quality Indicators for Preference-based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Using a Reference Point: A Review and Analysis
    Ryoji Tanabe, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
    Abs | PDF | Supp | BiB

2024 #

Journal #

  • A Data-Driven Evolutionary Transfer Optimization for Expensive Problems in Dynamic Environments
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen+*, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 28(15): 1396–1411, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • A Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Interaction Force and Hybrid Optimization Mechanism
    Lei Yang+, Jiale Cao, Kangshun Li, Yuanye Zhang, Rui Xu, Ke Li
    Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (SWEVO), 90: 101667
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • iM-Seeker: A Webserver for DNA I-motifs Prediction and Scoring via Automated Machine Learning
    Haopeng Yu, Fan Li+, Bibo Yang, Yiman Qi, Dilek Guneri, Wenqian Chen, Zoe Waller, Ke Li, Yiliang Ding
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), 52(W1): W19-W28, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Multi-Output Framework for Time-Series Forecasting in Smart Grid Meets Data Scarcity
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics (TII), 20(9): 11202–11212, 2024
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • A Knee Point Driven Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Bilevel Optimization
    Jiaxin Chen+, Jinliang Ding, Ke Li, Kay Chen Tan, Tianyou Chai
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 54(7): 4177–4189, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • An Automated Few-Shot Learning for Time Series Forecasting in Smart Grid Under Data Scarcity
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li, D. Li
    IEEE Trans. Artificial Intelligence (TAI), 5(6): 2482–2492, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Evolutionary Bi-level Optimization via Multi-objective Transformation Based Lower Level Search
    Lei Chen, Hai-Lin Liu, Ke Li, Kay Chen Tan
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 28(3): 733–747, 2024
    Abs | PDF | BiB

Conference #

  • RNAInvBench: Benchmark for the RNA Inverse Design Problem
    Jack Cole+, Fan Li+, Liwen Wu+, Krasmira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2024 ICML AI for Science Workshop
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for Contextual Adversarial Example Generation
    Shasha Zhou+, Mingyu Huang+, Yanan Sun, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2024 ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE'24), 101: 2285–2308, July, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Constrained Bayesian Optimization Under Partial Observations: Balanced Improvements and Provable Convergence
    Shengbo Wang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'24), 38(14): 15607-15615, February, 2024
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB | ≈ 23.5%

  • Modeling Aspect Sentiment Coherency via Local Sentiment Aggregation
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Findings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'24), p. 182-195, March, 2024.
    Abs | PDF | BiB

2023 #

Journal #

  • Multidimensional Resource Fragmentation-Aware Virtual Network Embedding for IoT Applications in MEC Networks
    Yingying Guan+, Qingyang Song, Weijing Qi, Lei Guo, Ke Li, Abbas Jamalipour
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 10(24): 22223–22232, 2023
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization via Learning-to-Rank
    Ke Li, Guiyu Lai+, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 27(4): 749–763, 2023
    Abs | PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Efficient Spectral Graph Convolutional Network Deployment on Memristive Crossbars
    Bo Lyu+, Maher Hamdi, Yin Yang, Yuting Cao, Zheng Yan, Ke Li, Shiping Wen, Tingwen Huang
    IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI), 7(2): 415–425, 2023
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Neural Architecture Search for Portrait Parsing
    Bo Lyu+, Yin Yang, Shiping Wen, Tingwen Huang, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 34(3): 1112–1121, 2023
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Batched Data-Driven Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Based on Manifold Interpolation
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen+*
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 27(1): 126–140, 2023
    Abs | PDF | Supp | BiB

  • MTLP-JR: Multi-Task Learning-Based Prediction for Joint Ranking in Neural Architecture Search
    Bo Lyu+, Longfei Lu, Maher Hamdi, Shiping Wen, Yin Yang, Ke Li
    Computers & Electrical Engineering, 105: 108474, 2023
    Abs | PDF | BiB

Conference #

  • Multioutput Surrogate Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Expensive Multi-Modal Optimization Problems
    Renzhi Chen+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'23)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Empirical Studies of Resampling Strategies in Noisy Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
    Shasha Zhou+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'23)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Preference-Based Multi-Objective Optimization with Gaussian Process
    Tian Huang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'23)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • A Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithm Using New Cooperative Mechanism for Solving Multi-Objective Problems with Multi-Constraint
    Juan Zou, Ruiqing Sun, Yuan Liu, Yaru Hu, Shengxiang Yang, Jinhua Zheng, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • “Why Not Looking backward?” A Robust Two-Step Method to Automatically Terminate Bayesian Optimization
    Shuang Li+, Ke Li, Wei Li
    Proc. of the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'23)
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB | ≈ 26.1%

  • CamoPatch: An Evolutionary Strategy for Generating Camoflauged Adversarial Patches
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'23)
    Abs | PDF | BiB | ≈ 26.1%

  • Evolutionary Multi-objective Instruction Optimization via Large Language Model-based Instruction Operators
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'23)
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • PyABSA: A Modularized Framework for Reproducible Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'23), p. 5117–5122, October, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB | ≈ 35%

  • A Surrogate Assisted Evolutionary Strategy for Image Approximation by Density-Ratio Estimation
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li
    Proc. of 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'23), p. 1–8, July, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Exploring Structural Similarity in Fitness Landscapes via Graph Data Mining: A Case Study on Number Partitioning Problems
    Mingyu Huang+, Ke Li
    Porc. of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23), p. 5595–5603, August, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | Supp | BiB | ≈ 15%

  • Boosting Text Augmentation via Hybrid Instance Filtering Framework
    Heng Yang+, Ke Li
    Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'23), p. 1652–1669, July, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | BiB | ≈ 40.6%

  • Single Application Service Deployment in the Edge Environment Based on the E-CARGO Model
    Senyue Zhang, Ling Xue, Weiliang Huang, Lu Zhao, Ke Li
    Proc. of 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD'23), May, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Black-Box Sparse Adversarial Attack via Multi-Objective Optimisation
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li
    Proc. of 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'23), p. 12291–12301, June, 2023.
    Abs | PDF | BiB | ≈ 25%

  • Data-Driven Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Based on Multiple-Gradient Descent for Disconnected Pareto Fronts
    Renzhi Chen+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'23), Springer, p. 56-70, March, 2023
    Abs | PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Sparse Adversarial Attack via Bi-Objective Optimization
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li, Geyong Min
    Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'23), Springer, p. 118-133, March, 2023
    Abs | PDF | BiB

2022 #

Journal #

  • Posterior Decision-Making Based on Decomposition-Driven Knee Point Identification
    Ke Li, Haifeng Nie+, Huiru Gao+, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 26(6): 1409-1423, 2022
    Abs | PDF | Code | Supp | BiB

  • Distributed UAV Swarm Formation and Collision Avoidance Strategies Over Fixed and Switching Topologies
    Jia Wu, Chunbo Luo, Yang Luo, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 52(10): 10969-10979, 2022
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Transfer Learning Based Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm Framework for Bi-level Optimization
    Lei Chen, Hai-Lin Liu, Kay Chen Tan, Ke Li
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 26(1): 115-129, 2022
    Abs | PDF | Code | BiB

  • Preference based Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Microgrid System Optimization Problem in Smart Grid
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li, Mohammad Abusara
    Memetic Computing (MC), 14(2): 225-235, 2022
    Abs | PDF | BiB

Conference #

  • Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for Hardware Design Space Exploration
    Renzhi Chen+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems, 2022
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Are All Training Data Useful? A Empirical Revisit of Subset Selection in Bayesian Optimization
    Peili Mao+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems, 2022
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Imputation and Forecasting for Multi-Output Gaussian Process in Smart Grid
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems, 2022
    Abs | PDF | BiB

  • Do We Really Need to Use Constraint Violation in Constrained Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization?
    Shuang Li+, Ke Li, Wei Li
    Proc. of the 17the International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN'22), Springer, p. 124-137, September, 2022
    PDF | BiB

  • Attention-Based Genetic Algorithm for Adversarial Attack in Natural Language Processing
    Shasha Zhou+, Ke Li, Geyong Min
    Proc. of the 17the International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN'22), Springer, p. 341-355, September, 2022
    PDF | BiB

  • Black-Box Adversarial Attack via Overlapped Shapes
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li, Geyong Min
    Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’22), ACM, p. 467-468, July, 2022
    PDF | BiB

  • Adversarial Attack Example Generation via Genetic Algorithm: A Preliminary Result
    Shasha Zhou+, Ke Li, Geyong Min
    Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’22), ACM, p. 469-470, July, 2022
    PDF | BiB

  • Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimisation: Current Developments and Future Opportunities
    Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’22), ACM, p. 469-470, July, 2022
    PDF | BiB

2021 #

Journal #

  • Vertical Distance-based Clonal Selection Mechanism for the Multiobjective Immune Algorithm
    Lingjie Li+, Qiuzhen Lin, Ke Li, Zhong Ming
    Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (SWEVO), 106: 107299, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • A Vector Angles-Based Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Using Archive
    Lei Yang+, Xin Hu, Ke Li
    Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), 63: 100886, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Bayesian Network Based Label Correlation Analysis For Multi-label Classifier Chain
    Ran Wang, Suhe Ye, Ke Li, Sam Kwong
    Information Sciences (INS), 554: 256–275, 2021
    PDF | BiB

Conference #

  • Knee Point Identification Based on the Geometric Characteristic
    Renzhi Chen+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'21), IEEE, p. 764–769, October, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Large-Scale Evolutionary Optimization via Multi-Task Random Grouping
    Phoenix Williams+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'21), IEEE, p. 778–783, October, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Transfer Bayesian Optimization for Expensive Black-Box Optimization in Dynamic Environment
    Renzhi Chen+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'21), IEEE, p. 1374–1379, October, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • ADMM-based OPF Problem Against Cyber Attacks in Smart Grid
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li, Mohammad Abusara, Yan Zhang
    Proc. of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'21), IEEE, p. 1418–1423, October, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • An Enhancement of the NSGA-II Reliability Optimization using Extended Kalman Filter Based Initialization
    Savas Yuec+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2021 20th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI'21), Springer, p. 121–128, September, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Empirical Studies on the Role of the Decision Maker in Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
    Guiyu Lai+, Minhui Liao, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'21), IEEE, p. 1–8, June, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Empirical Study of Correlations in the Fitness Landscapes of Combinatorial Optimization Problems
    Longfei Zhang+, Ke Li, Shi Gu
    Proc. of the 23th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’21), ACM, p. 247–248, July, 2021.
    PDF | BiB

  • An Improved Two-Archive Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization
    Xinyu Shan+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'21), Springer LNCS, volume 12654, p. 235–247, March, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning based Multi-Microgrid System Optimisation Problem
    Jiangjiao Xu+, Ke Li, Mohammad Abusara
    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'21), Springer LNCS, volume 12654, p. 684–696, March, 2021
    PDF | BiB

  • Parallel Algorithms for Multiobjective Virtual Network Function Placement Problem
    Joseph Billingsley+, Ke Li, Wang Miao, Geyong Min, Nektarios Georgalas
    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'21), Springer LNCS, volume 12654, p. 708–720, March, 2021
    PDF | BiB

2020 #

Journal #

  • Does Preference Always Help? A Holistic Study on Preference-Based Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation Using Reference Points
    Ke Li, Minhui Liao+, Kalyanmoy Deb, Geyong Min, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 24(6): 1078–1096, 2020.
    PDF | Code | BiB

  • Reference Point Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Reservoir Operation: a Comparison of Three Algorithms
    Rong Tang, Ke Li, Wei Ding, Yuntao Wang, Huicheng Zhou, Guangtao Fu
    Water Resources Management, 34: 1005–1020, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

  • Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Based on Adversarial Decomposition
    Mengyuan Wu+, Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Qingfu Zhang
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 50(2): 753–764, 2020.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

Conference #

  • Performance Analysis of SDN and NFV enabled Mobile Cloud Computing
    Joseph Billingsley+, Ke Li, Wang Miao, Geyong Min, Nektarios Georgalas
    Proc. of the 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'20), IEEE Press: p. 1–6, December, 2020
    PDF | BiB

  • Knee Point Identification Based on Voronoi Diagram
    Haifeng Nie+, Huiru Gao+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC'20), IEEE Press: p. 1–6, December, 2020
    PDF | BiB

  • BiLO-CPDP: Bi-Level Programming for Automated Model Discovery in Cross-Project Defect Prediction
    Ke Li, Zilin Xiang+, Tao Chen, Kay Chen Tan
    Proc. of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'20), IEEE Press: September, 2020
    PDF | Code | BiB

  • Adaptive Operator Selection Based on Dynamic Thompson Sampling for MOEA/D
    Lei Sun+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVI), Springer LNCS, volume 12270, p. 271–284, Septermber, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

  • Surrogate Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Medium Scale Multi-Objective Optimisation Problems
    Xiaoran Ruan+, Ke Li, Bilel Derbel, Arnaud Liefooghe
    Proc. of the 22th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’20), ACM Press: p. 560–568, July, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

  • Routing-Led Placement of VNFs in Arbitrary Networks
    Joseph Billingsley+, Ke Li, Wang Miao, Geyong Min, Nektarios Georgalas
    Proc. of the 2020 World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'20), IEEE Press: p. 1–8, July, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

  • Surrogate Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Transfer Learning for Dynamic Expensive Multi-Objective Optimisation Problems
    Xuezhou Fan, Ke Li, Kay Chen Tan
    Proc. of the 2020 World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'20), IEEE Press: p. 1–8, July, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

  • DeepSQLi: Deep Semantic Learning for Testing SQL Injection
    Muyang Liu+, Ke Li, Tao Chen
    Proc. of the ACM SIGSOFT 2020 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'20), ACM Press: p. 286–297, July, 2020.
    PDF | Code | BiB

  • Understanding the Automated Parameter Optimization on Transfer Learning for Cross-Project Defect Prediction: An Empirical Study
    Ke Li*, Zilin Xiang+*, Tao Chen*, Shuo Wang, Kay Chen Tan
    Proc. of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'20), ACM Press: p. 566–577, June, 2020.
    PDF | Code | BiB

  • On the Combined Impact of Population Size and Sub-problem Selection in MOEA/D
    Geoffrey Pruvost, Bilel Derbel, Arnaud Liefooghe, Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of the 20th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCOP'20), Springer LNCS, volume 12102, p. 131–147, April, 2020.
    PDF | BiB

2019 #

Journal #

  • Learning to Decompose: A Paradigm for Decomposition-Based Multi-Objective Optimization
    Mengyuan Wu+, Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Qingfu Zhang, Jun Zhang
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 23(3): 376–390, 2019.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • Interactive Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimization via Progressively Learned Value Functions
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen*+, Dragan Savic, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems (TFS), 27(5): 845–860, 2019.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • Two-Archive Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen*+, Guangtao Fu, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 23(2): 303–315, 2019.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • A Knee-Point-Based Evolutionary Algorithm Using Weighted Subpopulation for Many-Objective Optimization
    Juan Zou, Chunhui Ji, Shengxiang Yang, Yuping Zhang, Jinhua Zheng, Ke Li
    Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 47: 33–43, 2019.
    PDF | BiB

Conference #

  • Which Surrogate Works for Empirical Performance Modelling? A Case Study with Differential Evolution
    Ke Li, Zilin Xiang+, Kay Chen Tan
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'19), IEEE Press: p. 1988–1995, June, 2019.
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Visualisation of Pareto Front Approximation: A Short Survey and Empirical Comparisons
    Huiru Gao+, Haifeng Nie+, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'19), IEEE Press: p. 1750–1757, June, 2019.
    PDF | Supp | BiB

  • Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimisation: Current Developments and Future Opportunities
    Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of the 21th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’19): ACM Press: p. 1002–1031, July 2019.
    Slides | BiB

  • Security Testing of Web Applications: A Search-Based Approach for Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
    Muyang Liu+, Ke Li, Tao Chen
    Proc. of the 21th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’19), ACM Press: p. 417–418, July 2019.
    PDF | BiB

  • Progressive Preference Learning: Proof-of-Principle Results in MOEA/D
    Ke Li
    Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO’19), Springer LNCS, volume 11411, p. 631–643, March 2019.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • A Formal Model for Multi-objective Optimisation of NFV Placement
    Joseph Billingsley, Ke Li, Wang Miao, Geyong Min, N. Georgalas
    Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO’19), Springer LNCS, volume 11411, p. 529–540, March 2019.
    PDF | BiB

2018 #

Journal #

  • R-Metric: Evaluating the Performance of Preference-Based Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Using Reference Points
    Ke Li, Kalyanmoy Deb, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 22(6): 821–835, 2018.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • Integration of Preferences in Decomposition Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen*+, Geyong Min, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 48(12): 3359–3370, 2018.
    PDF | Supp | Code | BiB

  • Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization-Based Multimodal Optimization: Fitness Landscape Approximation and Peak Detection
    Ran Cheng, Miqing Li, Ke Li, Xin Yao
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 22(5): 692–706, 2018.
    PDF | BiB

  • FEMOSAA: Feature Guided and Knee Driven Multi-Objective Optimization for Self-Adaptive Software at Runtime
    Tao Chen, Ke Li, Rami Bahsoon, Xin Yao
    ACM Trans. Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 27(2): 1–50, 2018.
    PDF | Code | BiB

  • Dynamic Multi-Objectives Optimization with a Changing Number of Objectives
    Ke Li*, Renzhi Chen*+, Xin Yao,
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 21(1): 157–171, 2018.
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Conference #

  • Multi-Tenant Cloud Service Composition using Evolutionary Optimization
    Satish Kumar, Rami Bahsoon, Tao Chen, Ke Li, R. Buyya,
    Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’18), IEEE Press: p. 972–979, December 2018.
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  • Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimisation: Current Developments and Future Opportunities
    Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of the 20th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’18), ACM Press: p. 903–936, July 2018.
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2017 #

Journal #

  • Efficient Non-domination Level Update Method for Steady-State Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Kalyanmoy Deb, Qingfu Zhang, Qiang Zhang
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 47(9): 2838–2849, 2017.
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  • Matching-Based Selection with Incomplete Lists for Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimization
    Mengyuan Wu+, Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Yu Zhou, Qingfu Zhang
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 21(4): 554–568, 2017.
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  • Recent advances in semantic computing and personalization
    Haoran Xie, Fu Lee Wang, Xudong Mao, Ke Li, Qing Li, Handing Wang
    Neurocomputing (NEUCOM). 254: 1–2, 2017.
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Conference #

  • Empirical Investigations of Reference Point Based Methods When Facing a Massively Large Number of Objectives: First Results
    Ke Li, Kalyamoy Deb, Tolga Altinoz, Xin Yao
    Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO’17), Springer LNCS, volume 10173, p. 390–405, March 2017.
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  • Adaptive weights generation for decomposition-based multi-objective optimization using Gaussian process regression
    Mengyuan Wu, Sam Kwong, Yuheng Jia, Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of the 19th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’17), ACM Press: p. 641–648, July 2017.
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2016 #

Journal #

  • Personalized Search for Social Media via Dominating Verbal Context
    Haoran Xie, Xiaodong Li, Tao Wang, Li Chen, Ke Li, Fu Lee Wang, Yi Cai, Qing Li, Huaqing Min
    Neurocomputing (NEUCOM). 172: 27–37, 2016.
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Conference #

  • Variable Interactions in Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
    Ke Li, Mohammad Nabi Omidvar, Kalyanmoy Deb, Xin Yao
    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN’16), Springer LNCS, volume 9921, p. 399–409, September 2016.
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2015 #

Journal #

  • An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Based on Dominance and Decomposition
    Ke Li, Kalyanmoy Deb, Qingfu Zhang, Sam Kwong
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 19(5): 694–716, 2015.
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  • Interrelationship-Based Selection for Decomposition Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Qingfu Zhang, Kalyanmoy Deb
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB), 45(10): 2076–2088, 2015
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  • A Dual-Population Paradigm for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Kalyanmoy Deb
    Information Sciences (INS), 309: 50–72, 2015.
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  • Class-Specific Soft Voting based Multiple Extreme Learning Machines Ensemble
    Jingjing Cao, Sam Kwong, Ran Wang, Xiaodong Li, Ke Li, Xiangfei Kong
    Neurocomputing (NEUCOM). 149: 275–284, 2015.
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Conference #

  • Two-Level Stable Matching-Based Selection in MOEA/D
    Mengyuan Wu, Sam Kwong, Qingfu Zhang, Ke Li, Ran Wang, Bo Liu
    Proc. of 2015 IEEE Conference on Systems, Mans and Cybernetics (SMC’15), IEEE Press: p. 1720–1725, October 2015.
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  • Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with Hybrid Selection Principles
    Ke Li, Kalyanmoy Deb, Qingfu Zhang
    Proc. of 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’15), IEEE Press: p. 900–907, May 2015.
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2014 #

Journal #

  • Stable Matching Based Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Qingfu Zhang, Sam Kwong, Miqing Li, Ran Wang
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC). 18(6): 909–923, 2014.
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  • Adaptive Operator Selection with Bandits for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition
    Ke Li, Álvaro Fialho, Sam Kwong, Qingfu Zhang
    IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation (TEVC). 18(1): 114–130, 2014.
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  • A General Framework for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization via Manifold Learning
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong
    Neurocomputing (NEUCOM). 146: 65–74, 2014.
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  • Evolutionary Algorithms with Segment-based Search for Multiobjective Optimization Problems
    Miqing Li, Shengxiang Yang, Ke Li, Xiaohui Liu
    IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB). 44(8): 1295–1313, 2014.
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Conference #

  • An Indicator-based Selection Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Preference for Multi-Class Ensemble
    Jingjing Cao, Sam Kwong, Ran Wang, Ke Li
    Proc. of 2014 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC’12), IEEE Press: p. 147–152, July 2014.
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2013 #

Journal #

  • Learning Paradigm Based on Jumping Genes: A General Framework for Enhancing Exploration in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Ran Wang, Kit-Sang Tang, Kim-Fung Man
    Information Sciences (INS), 226: 1–22, 2013.
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Conference #

  • Evolving Extreme Learning Machine Paradigm with Adaptive Operator Selection and Parameter Control
    Ke Li, Ran Wang, Sam Kwong, Jingjing Cao
    International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS). 21(supp02): 143–154, 2013.
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2012 #

Journal #

  • Achieving Balance Between Proximity and Diversity in Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Jingjing Cao, Miqing Li, Jinhua Zheng, Ruimin Shen
    Information Sciences (INS), 182(1): 220–242, 2012.
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Conference #

  • Multi-Objective Differential Evolution with Self-Navigation
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Ran Wang, Jingjing Cao, Imre J. Rudas
    Proc. of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Mans and Cybernetics (SMC’12), IEEE Press: p. 508–513, October 2012.
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  • A Weighted Voting Method Using Minimum Square Error based on Extreme Learning Machine
    Jingjing Cao, Sam Kwong, Ran Wang, Ke Li
    Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC’12), IEEE Press: p. 411–414, July 2012.
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2011 #

Conference #

  • Combining Interpretable Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers via Multi-Objective Hierarchical Evolutionary Algorithm
    Jingjing Cao, Hanli Wang, Sam Kwong, Ke Li
    Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Mans and Cybernetics (SMC’11), IEEE Press: p. 1771–1776, October 2011.
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  • JGBL paradigm: A Novel Strategy to Enhance the Exploration Ability of NSGA-II
    Ke Li, Sam Kwong, Kim-Fung Man
    Proc. of the 13th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’11), ACM Press: p. 99–100, July 2011.
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  • Multi-Objective Differential Evolution with Adaptive Control of Parameters and Operators
    Ke Li, Álvaro Fialho, Sam Kwong
    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION’11), Springer Verlag, LNCS, p. 473–487, January 2011.
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2010 #

Journal #

  • A Novel Slicing Based Algorithm to Calculate Hypervolume for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
    Ke Li, Jinhua Zheng, Miqing Li, Cong Zhou, Hui Lv
    ICIC Express Letters: An International Journal of Research and Surveys, 4(4): 1113–1120, 2010.
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Conference #

  • Enhancing Diversity for Average Ranking Method in Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization
    Miqing Li, Jinhua Zheng, Ke Li, Qizhao Yuan, Ruimin Shen
    Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN’10), Springer Verlag, LNCS, volume 6238: p. 647–656, September 2010.
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  • A Grid-based Fitness Strategy for Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization
    Miqing Li, Jinhua Zheng, Ruimin Shen, Ke Li, Qizhao Yuan
    Proc. of the 12th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO’10), ACM Press: p. 463–470, July 2010.
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2009 #

Conference #

  • A Novel Algorithm for Non-dominated Hypervolume-based Multiobjective Optimization
    Ke Li, Jinhua Zheng, Miqing Li, Cong Zhou, Hui Lv
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Mans and Cybernetics (SMC’09), IEEE Press: p. 5220–5226, December 2009.
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  • An Spanning Tree Based Method For Pruning Non-Dominated Solutions in Multi- Objective Optimization Problems
    Miqing Li, Jinhua Zheng, Ke Li, Jun Wu, Guixia Xiao
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Mans and Cybernetics (SMC’09), IEEE Press: p. 4882–4887, December 2009.
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  • Objective Reduction based on the Least Square Method for Large-dimensional Multiobjective Optimization Problem
    Cong Zhou, Jinhua Zheng, Ke Li, Hui Lv
    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’09), IEEE Press: p. 350–354, August 2009.
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  • The Convergence Analysis of Genetic Algorithm based on Space Mating
    Hui Lv, Jinhua Zheng, Jun Wu, Cong Zhou, Ke Li
    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’09), IEEE Press: p. 557–562, August 2009.
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  • An Improved Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Differential Evolution
    Ke Li, Jinhua Zheng
    Proc. of 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE’09), IEEE Press: p. 825–830, March 2009.
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